On the boards…

A Furry Tail Ending. 2020

A Furry Tail Ending. 2020

Commissioned Artwork

Artist statement - I was given the opportunity to have carte blanche while using Kelly’s (client/patron) cat Tyson for inspiration on this painting.

This piece was inspired by the dark comedy that must surround every cat’s life. They are truly the magician behind the curtains to anyone who owns a cat. This is a multi-media approach to this subject, including paint and pen and ink on canvas.

The Cottage House Study

The Cottage House Study

3D Modeling and Walkthrough

This stand alone South Minneapolis cottage home is the second home on a property in the Kingfield neighborhood.

Sometimes it’s easier to help sell the dynamic change that comes with rental properties if you can visualize the space before even stepping into the front door. Given the opportunity or the challenge of the pandemic, I am modeling and helping visualize this transition.



Sketch Series

Artist statement- In this time where a worldwide pandemic has forced us to change our interactions with other humans, I have taken this time to reconnect with empty spaces. Ranging from empty parks, to adventures in nature. I am taking a moment to sketch the details that we sometimes forget to remember.